We are specialists in Marijuana Merchant Accounts, your online source for everything related to high risk merchant accounts and payment processing. We have helped thousands of merchants just like you to achieve their goals by providing them with payment processing capabilities!
We now offer new services which can propel your business even further, with Point of Sale and alternative payment solutions, so you can provide your customers and patients with the most reliable, secure, non-PIN based payment processing that works for both them, and your business.
Although our main focus is assisting marijuana product and service providers with acquiring and setting up their merchant accounts, we also offer Chargeback services, Cash Advances, and a wide range of merchant services that can help you streamline your business.
Interested in partnering with us?
Sign Up Now!At MMA, we're constantly striving to find new solutions for merchants in this ever-changing industry, so our merchants never go without payment processing services. Other providers of merchant services don't understand the requirements of the marijuana industry; their concern is acquiring as many merchants as possible to increase revenue sources.
But when the industry shifts, and banks and service providers change their specifications and requirements, many of those merchants simply lose their ability to process payments, their businesses grinding to a halt as a result. We actively work to ensure that never happens, and we have a solid track record of keeping our merchants in business, and processing payments, with little to no downtime.
Let Us Help You Get Started >
4335 Van Nuys Blvd.
Suite 248
Sherman Oaks
California, 91403