Tax Free Pot Holiday Brings Many to Denver

Training-Dispensary-Staff-TipsMany areas host “tax free” weekends or holidays for various goods: clothing, electronic, back to school goods. Back in September, Denver got creative and held a tax free marijuana sales day. Thanks to Colorado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR), the state had already hit their tax cap on the marijuana dealers. So, for one day the 10% tax was dropped. Sales went up, and unlike the fears of the opposition, nothing bad happened.

Even though Denver has shown much success with their legalized recreational marijuana, many still oppose it. It is successful enough that in mid-September it has already passed the tax dollar threshold for the state. Yet, some still view it dangerous and perhaps a way to spark crime in the area. Unlike the good ol’ street dealer, marijuana dispensaries are highly regulated by the city and state, and this regulation makes it tough for a dispensary to partake in any wrongdoing. It also makes it hard for a dispensary to get off the ground, at all. While a merchant may open a dispensary after a bevy of red tape, there is another important task that lies at hand: dispensary check processing.

Finding a good check processor is tough for every business, but it is even tougher for a legalized recreational marijuana or medical marijuana dispensary. These dispensaries are in the processing industry’s “high risk” category, meaning that they are at a higher risk of having fraudulent charges, and a higher risk of closing up shop. The recreational marijuana industry in Denver is showing that these businesses are profitable, and here to stay, but the processing industry for the most part isn’t buying.

Because of this, it takes effort to find the right dispensary check processor. A good rule of thumb is to ask others who have been in the industry for a while. Not everyone will use the same processor, but you can get ahold of the names and start your research. Many start with Google, but top Google search option are paying to show up in the first page, and may not be the best option overall. Be smart with your searches and research, because a check processor is one of the most important things you will obtain for your dispensary.

Contact us for Marijuana Dispensary Check Processing Options today!
