How Mexico’s Pot Ruling Affects Every Marijuana Merchant

Medical Marijuana Payment ProcessingMexico is taking control when it comes to marijuana – at least somewhat. Thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling, four people in the Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Personal Use can now grow and use their own marijuana. While four people in a country with 122 million people may not seem like a big deal, it does set precedent in a country known for its marijuana issues. The Supreme Court ruled in this case that it was unconstitutional to prohibit people from growing and using their own marijuana, so more are likely to become green thumbs.

Even though it is still illegal to sell the drug in Mexico, this new ruling could possibly ease the government’s mind. It is well documented that the Mexican government is corrupt, and if marijuana is to be legally sold in the future, there is a good chance that the government would somehow profit from it. However, some could argue the same for the United States. When Denver legalized recreational marijuana, its local tax intake was enormous – over $35 million in 2014 – other states noticed the benefit and more and more are voting for its legalization. While still federally illegal, states are taking hold of the benefits that legalized marijuana sales are providing. Denver earmarked millions for its public school system, and the target was hit quicker than the state initially thought.

Marijuana businesses are big moneymakers, both for the state and the merchant. While they are a good business to get into, the major issues for prospective merchants is the banking industry’s ties to the Feds. Because of this, it can be difficult to get marijuana business funding, short of a rich uncle or a lucky lotto ticket. However, it can be possible with a processor dedicated to the legalized marijuana industry, like Yes, the industry is tough and risky. But if this is your dream – and it is legal in your area – medicinal or recreational marijuana sales can be a very rewarding path. Be it a large store or a small mobile operation, every business needs funding at some time during its existence. Be sure to contact when it is your time.

Contact MMA for Marijuana Payment Processing today!
