Florida Residents Petitioning for Recreational Marijuana

Close Up Of Man Rolling Marijuana Joint At Home

Close Up Of Man Rolling Marijuana Joint At Home

Colorado and Washington State are currently the only two state that allow recreational marijuana sales. In 2016, Alaska and Oregon will join in the pot game. It seems as though residents are voting for the revenue, and the product, and every year a new state is allowing the legalization of recreational marijuana. Florida residents – and merchants – are petitioning for Florida to be next, but with the conservative government, their wishes may not be granted.

One big issue with Florida and its resident’s efforts to legalize recreational marijuana is the lack of medical marijuana legalization. The four states that have legalized recreational marijuana has legalized medical marijuana long before the fun stuff was legalized. The state legislature has caught on, and a few have recently backed a medical marijuana bill. If it passes, the governor may not sign it into law, but at least it will change the tide in the minds of the legislature, and citizens who are still unwilling to believe the healing effects medical marijuana has on those with terminal illnesses.

If it passes, a medical marijuana payment processing account will be needed for any merchant who passes the state’s test to sell it. While there are no tests in place in Florida yet, their test will probably mirror those in other states. Regulations will be tough – as they should be – and finding a payment processor will be tough, as well. This is because these merchants are considered “high risk” in the processing world. The industry is risky, mainly because it is still marijuana in any form is still a hotly contested federal issue. Recreational is firmly illegal to the Feds, and once medical marijuana hits a market, talks of legalized recreational marijuana soon follows. Or, in the case of Florida, they are both argued at the same time, be it by different people.

If, or perhaps when, medical marijuana is legalized in Florida, its merchants will need a payment processor that knows the industry. Few do, and it is important that you search for an established and experienced processor, like MMA, to help you throughout your journey. These businesses are risky, but you will find that the risk is worth the reward when you see the calming effects medical marijuana has on its users.

For Medical Marijuana Payment Processing Solutions contact us today!


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